Welcome to the website for the Church of Ireland parish of Rossorry, in the diocese of Clogher. The Church of Ireland is part of the worldwide family of Anglican (Episcopal) churches. Rossorry Parish is situated on the west side of Enniskillen close to the shores of Lough Erne in Co Fermanagh in Northern Ireland.
Rossorry is a vibrant parish with over 400 families; our vision is to be a people who live in unity as faithful Christians whose lives reflect the good news of the Gospel, and as such we are open and welcoming to visitors and strangers. Our mission is to witness to our Lord Jesus Christ through living what we believe: speaking the truth in love, welcoming and showing hospitality to all, demonstrating ourselves as an integral part of our community and society and reaching out to those in need. We value each parishioner and visitor for their unique worth in the sight of God. Our aim is to help people of all ages to grow in faith and we participate fully in the life of the family of the church. The Bible is central to our Christian belief and teaching, following the Revised Common Lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer is an important, central and valued part of our expression of worship.
I hope you enjoy visiting our website and that you gain an insight into our worship and parish activities. We also have a Facebook page – where you will find topical postings and reports of recent events. If you are in the area you would be most welcome to come along to any of our services – details are below. If you would like further information please feel free to leave a message.
Wishing you God’s blessing.
Revd Stephen McWhirter